January 2021 – Critical Worker Place Policy 2021
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29th January 2021

Please find below our Critical Worker Place Policy 2021 which has been developed as a result of increasing concern for the safety of children and staff due to increasing numbers of requests for places in school for the children of critical workers.

The policy and a new critical worker place form can also be found at the bottom of the page here: https://www.hollinsgrundy.com/our-school/covid-19/

Having considered the policy, if parents wish to continue to request a critical worker place for their child(ren) please complete and submit the form to keyworkers@hollinsgrundy.com.

Thank you

Children of Critical Worker Priority Policy

(January 2021) v6


Due to persistently high rates of infection and the increased transmissibility of new and emerging strains of Covid-19 governors are concerned about the safety of staff and children using the building. This concern extends to the impact on transmission rates in the wider community due to increased contacts in and around school. The number of children of critical workers currently attending school is far greater than in the spring and summer terms of 2020 and has gradually increased during the spring term of 2021. In order to minimise risk to all in our school community the following restrictions on group/bubble size will be imposed from Monday 22nd February 2021.


Maximum group size will be 10 children in any one year group bubble.


Where requests for critical worker places exceed 10, places will be allocated on the basis of priority based on the following hierarchy:


Priority Category
1 Children with a named social worker
2 Children with an Education Health and Care plan
3 Looked after or post-looked after children
4 Families where all parent(s)/carer(s) are critical workers and who cannot work from home
5 Families where all parent(s)/carer(s) are critical workers and who can work from home
6 Families where there is one critical worker and at least one other (non-critical worker) adult living in the home with no support/childcare bubble.
7 Families where there is one critical worker and at least one other (non-critical worker) adult living in the home who have formed a support/childcare bubble with another household for the purposes of childcare, shared drop-off, pick-ups etc.

Please note: even if parents qualify for critical worker status they should only request a place for their child/ren at school if there is no alternative childcare available at home.



  • Where a critical worker works part-time their child/ren must only attend school on days when the parent/carer is working.


  • All critical worker place applications must be supported by confirmation from parents’ employers which includes job title and work/shift pattern.


  • For families with children in more than one class it may be the case that not all children can be offered a critical worker place.


  • Where places cannot be offered by Hollins Grundy Primary School to the children of critical workers Bury LA will be contacted to ascertain whether places are available at other local authority sites.


  • Completed forms should be returned to keyworkers@hollinsgrundy.com by Friday 5th February. (Employer confirmation can be sent after this date but places will not be offered without this)
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