November 2023 – Parking around school
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24th November 2023

As we are all aware, the parking situation close to school is problematic due to the limited number of spaces and the narrow lane. I understand that access to the school is very difficult but would encourage parents to park slightly further away and walk the last part of the journey, leaving extra time for the walk.

Could I please also remind parents that they should not park in the school car park , unless using the disabled bay. It is important that at all times the car park is accessible for staff to arrive and leave. Additionally, we have regular deliveries to school and to the kitchen and visits from professionals who are working with children, all of which need the car park to be accessible.

Additionally, I have been informed about cars being parked on double yellow lines on Hollins Lane at the top of the hill which are presenting a danger to pedestrians in this area. Please could this be avoided.

Thank you for your co-operation.

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