Year 1




Who works in the class? Mrs McCrory – Class Teacher

Mrs Mercer Brown- Teaching Assistant

Important Information Year 1 begin the school day at 8.45am and finish at 3.30pm.

Drop off/collection is at the Key Stage 1 playground gate.

Late arrivals should contact the school office.

If another relative or someone other than a parent is collecting, please inform a member of staff at the gate or contact the school office.

When are spelling tests? Spellings as part of the ‘Read, Write Inc’ Phonics scheme. The children complete these when they are on yellow, blue or grey books. These will be part of their Read, Write, Inc sessions.
Contact Class email

Homework Grid homework has been set for this half term and should be returned by Wednesday 15th February.
What are procedures for reading books? We kindly ask that books are returned on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays. New reading books will be given on these days. We encourage daily reading at home and for children to re-read books to develop their familiarity with a text.

Please understand that in some instances there may be a slight delay in providing your child with a new reading book. We would encourage the children to read their book more than once to develop their fluency and understanding of the text.

When are PE days? Our PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday

Children should bring their PE kit into school on Tuesdays; They will be getting changed in their classroom and change back into their uniform once the lesson has ended. We recommend that the children leave their PE kit in school on Tuesday as we have another PE session the following day.


At some point in the year, we will be having time with a PE coach. This will mean that  the day we have our lesson may change, but you will be updated and informed as soon as possible.


Year 1 will have a phonics screening test in June. It is important that they keep up to date with all their sounds. We use the Read Write Inc scheme in school and it is recommended that you practice these sounds with your child at home.

You will find a link to the official Read, Write Inc YouTube channel in our useful links section.

This contains highly useful videos focus as word reading, blending, spelling and tutorials for parents on how to correctly  read sounds with your child.

Please find below a copy of the Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds.

Set 1 Speed sounds

Set 2 and 3 Speed sounds

Phonics Screening Check guide for parents

Phonics Screening Check: Information for parents

Rewards for hard work & good behaviour. All children can earn individual house-points for demonstrating a hard-working or thoughtful attitude, as well as being helpful, kind or otherwise a good citizen.

Children have ‘Always’ tickets. They begin each week with five ‘Always’ tickets and only lose a ticket should their name be moved to red (see below). We have a weekly Always Ticket draw in assembly with books as prizes.

Every week, a child wins the My Happy Mind Award for their class which is presented in assembly.

Consequences for lack of effort and poor behaviour

Behaviour boards

Green – all children begin each day on green and remain there unless their behaviour results in them being moved down.

Amber – children who have shown a poor attitude to work and play or shown behaviour that is not acceptable will be moved down to amber. This acts as a warning and allows the children an opportunity to reflect on their choices/behaviour.

Red – If children persist with poor behaviour or effort, their name will be moved from amber to red. This will also result in the loss of one always ticket. A letter will be sent home if a child loses 3 always tickets in a week.

Reflection room – If a child shows poor behaviour during lunch/play time, they will be sent to the reflection room to think about their behaviour and choices. If a child is sent to reflection room 3 times in one half -term, a letter will be sent home.

Anything else relevant for your year group

Year 1 complete a Phonics Screening check in the Summer term.

We promote independence in Year 1, wherever possible and would encourage you to do the same at home.

Below is a copy of the Year 1 common exception words that the children will be tested on throughout the year. I would encourage you to practice these at home with your child frequently.

Year 1 Common Exception Words




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