Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 class page.

Important information about the class is in the grid below. The long term plan for the year is attached below along with the homework grid, Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6 spellings lists and some ways to practise spellings.

The children will be bringing home a sheet with highlighted Y5 and 6 words to practise. They will bring home words to learn for their spelling test every Thursday. Please can they learn them before the test the following Thursday. There will also be EDshed activities to help them practise their spellings set weekly. They will have some maths activities on Edshed too. These will be set on Fridays to be completed by the following Thursday.

Thank you to those parents who attended the new class meeting; it was lovely to see you. The powerpoint is attached below for your reference.

If parents or carers need to contact us at all please use the class email and we will get back to you as soon as possible or feel free to speak to us directly at the gate.


Kind Regards

Mrs Jacques and Mr Richardson.









Who works in the class? Mrs Jacques and Mr Richardson (class teachers)

Mrs Hughes (teaching assistant)



Start and Finish times: Year 6’s day will start at 8.45am with children arriving at the bottom gate. The gate now closes at 8.55 am. Lessons will finish at 3:30pm and the children will leave the building using the bottom gate.
When are spelling tests? Spelling tests will be Thursday and new spellings will be set on Thursdays for the following week. Children will be given weekly spelling lists to learn for their test. They will also be set spelling games on Edshed.

Please learn the Y5/6 spellings too. Children have their individual lists but the whole list plus fun ways to practise your spellings are attached below.

When is homework set? Homework grids will be set half termly see attachment below.

Grid homework  should be returned by 18th October and history homework by 11th October


Spelling and Maths homework will be set on EdShed on Fridays and should be completed by the following Thursday. Children will need to use their individual log ins to access this.

What are procedures for reading books? Children will have the opportunity to change their reading book on Wednesdays and other days if needed. Children will receive a book from the reading scheme or a free reader depending on their ability. The frequency children change books will depend on the book the children are reading. We understand children may need to keep a longer book for more than a week. However, please remind your child to read their book at home and change it as often as possible.
When are PE days this half term? Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on Thursday and Friday.
PE kit is black shorts, T-shirt (in house colour) and trainers. For outdoor sports  or cold weather black or grey tracksuit pants or leggings are recommended. Children can wear a school jumper, fleece or cardigan.
Rewards for hard work & good behaviour. All children can earn house-points for their house and for themselves. Rewards also include weekly My Happy Mind awards, housepoint certificates and class tokens for the class reward. Children will also receive stars  and golden tickets  for good work and behaviour.
Consequences for lack of effort and poor behaviour Behaviour boards –  green – amber – red. Letters will be sent home for 3 reds in a week
Anything else relevant for your year group SATs week this year is Monday 12th May 2025 – Thursday 15th May 2025







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