Owls Before And After School Club


Owls Before And After School Club work very closely with the school. The club is a separate entity from the school and is managed and governed independently however most of the staff also have another role in school.

Leanne Guler is the manager of Owls Before And After School Club.

Places at Owls for your children can be booked on the Owls phone – 07801 042080 – between 7:00am and 7:00pm.

Alternatively parents can book places by contacting hollinsgrundyowlsclub@hotmail.com.

So that the correct number of staff are on duty each night parents are reminded to book places for the following week before 5:30pm on Friday night.

Pre-booked places
Once places are booked, four weeks written notice should be given if parents wish to cancel. Places cancelled with less than four weeks notice must be paid for. This also applies to situations where requests are made to change the days on which places at Owls are booked.
Children who are booked into Owls but who are collected from school at 3:30pm due to a change of plans should be signed out from Owls in the usual way and their place must be paid for.

Late fees
Fees are due on the first day of the week that your child attends the club and all fees must be paid weekly. Any accounts with outstanding fees at the end of the week will be charged a £5 late payment fee for each week that the account remains in arrears.


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