June 2023 – Sports Day
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22nd June 2023

Please find below a schedule for our sports day tomorrow.

Lets hope the weather is good!


Sports Day 2023


Year Group 9.20 Activity 1:


Activity 2:


Activity 3:


10.30 – 11.00 Activity 4:


Activity 5:


Activity 6:




Reception Opening Ceremony Javelin Bean bag throws Egg & Spoon Hurdle Dribbling Basket ball Lunchtime
Year 1 Bean bag throws Egg and spoon Tug of war B dribbling Basketball javelin
Year 2 Egg and spoon Tug of war hurdles R Basket ball Javelin Bean bag throw
Year 3 Tug of war Hurdles dribbling E javelin Bean bag throw Egg and spoon
Year 4 Hurdles dribbling Basket ball A Bean bag throw Egg & spoon Tug of war
Year 5 dribbling Basket ball javelin K Egg & Spoon Tug of war hurdles
Year 6 Basket ball javelin Bean Bag Throw Tug of war hurdles Dribbling

Our afternoon races will all be on the track and will begin at about 1.45, finishing at about 3.15.


Thank you

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